Dangerous Curves Ahead (Watchers Crew) Read online

Page 13

  “Mary Katherine?”

  I turned and saw John Stafford standing next to an expressionistic painting portraying the Temptation of Eve.

  “It looks like great minds think alike,” he said as he walked up. “Do you mind if I join you?”

  I was about to say no, but then I thought of Holly and her boyfriend who she traveled with because her life partner liked to stay home. I thought of Hawk who liked rough sex from time to time, but always treated Ellie with love and care. I liked art and literature and foreign movies. I suspected that my boyfriend wouldn’t care for any of those, just like I didn’t care for racecars, video games, or Adult Swim.

  I remembered how much I liked my conversation with John. He was fun, in an academic and brainy kind of way. There wouldn’t be any harm in hanging out with him at this exhibit. I wasn’t about to give him my spare key. Nor did I think of him as a potential lover. I didn’t want another lover. I wasn’t built that way. But I wouldn’t mind a new friend.

  John was truly engrossed with the exhibit. We walked the halls together, stopping and discussing each painting in turn. John was just as insightful and engaging to talk with as he’d been at dinner. He interpreted one painting of Jesus on the cross with an army of birds flying out of his back as the death of the Old Testament and the birth of The Book of Revelations. I thought it was about forgiveness. In a portrait of Jesus in a boxing ring with gloves, which I interpreted as turning the other cheek, John found metaphors in the bloodstained wrappings on the prophet’s hands and the name written across his boxing shorts that read “savior.” With each painting and sculpture he encouraged me to think deeper. It was exactly the distraction I needed. My mind shoved aside the writer’s block and creative thoughts sprang forth.

  We stood staring at an abstract painting of the Mother Mary for long moments without speaking. I turned to him with a thought to see that he wasn’t staring at the painting. He was staring at me.

  I knew that look. It was full of interest and desire. When his eyes caught mine, they asked if I felt the same? Disappointment settled all around the creative wellspring in my head. It looked like this friendship would be over before it had ever truly began.

  Before I could set John straight, I heard someone calling my name. I looked down the hall to see Ellie. Her eyes flickered to John, whose eyes were still glued to me. I stepped away from him and toward Ellie.

  “Hey Ellie,” I said embracing her and then bringing her between John and me. “This is my friend, Ellie. Ellie this is John Stafford. He’s… a friend.”

  “It’s nice to meet any friend of Mary Katherine’s.” Ellie shook John’s hand.

  There was an awkward silence as we stood next to a sculpture of Mary Magdalene.

  “Will you excuse me for a moment, ladies?” John said. “I’ll be back in a second, Mary Katherine.” He rested his hand on my lower back before taking off in the direction of the men’s room.

  I looked at Ellie. “I didn’t know you liked religious artwork. I would’ve invited you. John and I are just friends. Well, not exactly friends.” The words all tumbled out of my mouth in a jumble.

  “You don’t have to explain all of your relationships to me, MK," she said. “All that matters is that Crow is cool with it.”

  I stood stiff as a board, as though a cross was on my back. Why did I feel guilty? I hadn’t done anything wrong.

  “But it’s fine if he doesn’t know,” said Ellie. “That is, if you guys have decided on a more anarchical relationship?”

  I didn’t know what that meant? “I’m not in any relationship with John. We’d talked about coming here when we had dinner with my parents.”

  Ellie arched an eyebrow at the last statement. But then she reached out and gave me a squeeze. “Mary Katherine, you don’t have to explain any of this to me. I’m not going to judge. But if you need to talk about anything, you can call me. Okay?”

  “I think I do need to talk about… a lot of things.”

  “Okay.” She gave my hand another squeeze. “Why don’t you come over for dinner tomorrow? I’m baking pie.”

  “I’d like that.”

  John came back at that moment and Ellie took her leave. I was no longer excited to see the rest of the exhibit and tried to beg off. He insisted on walking me to my car.

  “I had a good time,” he said as we reached the parking lot.

  “I did to.” And I had until he took an interest in me instead of the art. Much like he was doing now. “Listen, I-”

  John’s lips crashed into mine. It surprised me, which was why I didn’t push away immediately. Before I could tell him to stop, he pulled away with a grin.

  “That was probably a little forward of me,” he said.

  “It was. It was very forward.”

  “No, I understand. That was too soon. I can take a step back. We can go slower. But Mary Katherine, I think there is something between us.”

  “No,” I said. “There isn’t. I don’t have the same type of feelings for you. I thought we could be friends, but I was wrong. If you feel something, and I don’t, we can’t be friends. I’m going to go.”

  I got in my car before he could protest.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “I’m all for women’s liberation,” Christopher said around his fork. “But I’d keep you locked in a kitchen with the way you bake, El.”

  Ellie giggled and served him another helping of her pie. I was too busy unbuttoning the top of my jeans to feel an ounce of jealousy. He was right. Ellie was a master with an oven. She said it all came down to science. A recipe, she insisted, was a procedure. And she was good at following procedures.

  Around the table, everyone shared stories of their day. Hawk and Eagle groaned about a particularly tricky car repair. I chatted with Ellie and Owl about a book we had all read. Kira and Christopher chatted about a television show they were both watching.

  And then the conversations changed. Hawk and Kira argued over a super hero comic book. Owl and Christopher discussed mufflers. Ellie got up and went into the kitchen.

  Eagle turned to me. “So, Mary Katherine?”

  I waited, but he didn’t complete the sentence. Tonight showed me that everyone accepted me into this circle. Except Eagle.

  “Yes, Eagle?” I cocked my head and studied him as he studied me. “What’s your real name, by the way?”

  “Privileged information. So, you write chick lit?”

  “I write romance novels that explore female empowerment and the ideals of love in today’s society.”

  Eagle’s eyes sparkled, like I’d thrown down a gauntlet. “I like assertive females. A woman who knows her own mind, who knows what she wants, and goes after it, is damn sexy.”

  “Then we should get along.”

  Eagle grinned, holding my gaze, but he didn’t respond. I wasn’t sure if I’d passed his test or not? I decided I wasn’t going to win this staring contest. I got up and went into the kitchen to help Ellie.

  “You having a good time?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” I said. “Everyone’s so great. You guys are like a family.”

  “We are a family. The bonds I made with these people are stronger than those with my blood family could ever be.”

  “Ellie, I wanted to talk to you about what you saw the other day. That guy… It was…”

  “You don’t have to explain.”

  “But I don’t want you to think poorly of me.”

  “I don’t.” Ellie reached out for my hand. “You’re trying to figure all of this out, I can see that. I was just as confused when I started seeing Hawk. In fact, I already had a boyfriend.”

  “John was never my boyfriend. It wasn’t even a date. We bumped into each other and he got the wrong idea. I love Christopher. I only want to be with Christopher.”

  “Then that’s what you should do.” Ellie said it like it was that simple.

  She placed a try of drinks in my hand. We brought the drinks back to the table. Everyone had finished their
slice of pie. One piece was left. The boys tapped out. Ellie and Kira looked at me. I wasn’t interested. I’d need to spend the next month working these carbs off. I put my napkin on the table in surrender.

  Ellie and Kira faced off.

  “We could split it,” Ellie offered.

  Kira scoffed. “It’s barely enough for one of us.”

  “I have an idea,” said Eagle. “Let’s have a little contest. Winner gets the treat.”

  “What kind of contest?” Kira raised an eyebrow. But it was clear to see that she was on board with whatever Eagle was about to suggest.

  Eagle got up and disappeared into the living room. When he came back he held two pink, metallic eggs in his hands. Both orbs were attached to wires and rectangular joysticks.

  “A coming contest.” Eagle turned the nob on one of the joysticks. The egg came to life and buzzed. “First one to blow loses.”

  “Fine,” said Kira as she looked at Owl with a winning grin.

  “Wait, no,” said Ellie. “They can’t be partners. He’ll just command her to come on the spot.”

  I sat up straight. Was that possible?

  “You take Hawk and I’ll take Owl,” Ellie said. “That’ll make it fair.”

  “Fine,” said Kira.

  The two women stood and changed partners.

  “Here are the rules.” Eagle handed each man an egg. “Vibrators only. Fingers are allowed, but no mouths or tongues. We’ve all made you come before so we can tell if you blow. But you girls are on the honor system.”

  They cleared a space on the table. Ellie and Kira both removed their bottoms and panties like this was normal. I looked to Christopher. He chuckled as he wrapped his arm over the back of my chair.

  “My money’s on Shakira,” he whispered in my ear. “Owl likes to control her orgasms. It’s Hawk’s goal in life to make Ellie come as much and as hard as possible.”

  Both of my new girlfriends climbed onto the dinner table and spread their thighs for their friend’s boyfriends. Hawk immediately got to work.

  “Fuck, Hawk,” said Kira.

  Hawk chuckled as he pinched Kira’s clitoris. When she threw her head back, he rolled the bud between his thumb and forefinger. I saw his machinations clearly because both Kira and Ellie were clean shaven. Looking at the helpless expression on Kira’s face, and listening to her moaning gasps, I agreed with Christopher. Kira was about to lose.

  Glancing over at the other pair, Ellie’s eyes were on Kira’s face. She had an arm behind her head, resting her cheek above her armpit while she watched the ecstasy play across her friend’s face. Down below, Owl made slow circles on Ellie’s inner thighs.

  “Holy, shit,” Kira panted.

  Hawk’s fingers moved lightening fast over her clit while he pressed the egg just inside her core. The buzzing from the vibrator sent shivers down my spine. Kira’s legs shook as she let out a defeated, pleasure-glazed groan.

  “Fuck you,” she groaned as the tremors took her.

  “Maybe after my girl gets her piece of pie.” Hawk put his slick thumb in his mouth and winked at her. Then he turned his attention to Owl. “You better finish her off, man.”

  “Of course,” Owl smiled. “Can I borrow that?” He indicated the vibrator that was still inside of his girlfriend.

  Hawk gave it a tug that sent Kira through another round of shivers.

  Owl took the proffered device and put it on Ellie’s clitoris.

  Ellie’s hands, which had been behind her head, came down to the table where she gripped the edge. Her thighs fell open and her eyes closed.

  Owl began a rotating motion, like a massage, with the two eggs. He circled her clitoris, never landing directly on top of it.

  A low moan left Ellie’s lips. Hawk stared at her, rapt. I caught Kira’s gaze as she sat up. Gone was the sting of defeat. Her lip curled in a mischievous tilt as she watched her boyfriend at play.

  Owl’s hands moved over Ellie, slow and methodical. It reminded me of a magician waving a wand over his hat. He didn’t say “Abracadabra,” but there was magic at work.

  A wave rolled through Ellie’s body. It began at her feet. Her toes flexed and then pointed. Her knees bent and her hips rose. Then her torso pressed down into the table and her chest rose. Her head tilted back and her mouth opened. The sound of her moans filled the room.

  Hawk sat back in his chair, completely enraptured at the sight.

  Christopher’s fingers went through my hair. “That was beautiful, wasn’t it?”

  If I could speak, I would have to agree with him. It wasn’t love between Ellie and Owl, or Kira and Hawk. It was crystal clear who belonged to whom. But at the same time, every person in this group had a hand on the other. A hand of support. A hand of guidance. A hand of encouragement. And a hand in their pleasure.

  The last wave of pleasure rolled through Ellie, but Owl’s hands didn’t stop with their magic act. They continued until he achieved a hat trick and pulled a second and then third orgasm out of Ellie. Her entire body shook so hard that the table legs squeaked on the floor.

  Owl took the vibrators off her clit and out of her core. Ellie lay motionless. Hawk scooped her up from the table and cradled her in his arms.

  Owl picked up the plate with the solitary piece of pie. “Here’s your pie, Els.”

  Ellie didn’t even open her eyes to respond. She turned her face into Hawk’s chest and whimpered.

  Owl turned to Kira. “Here you go, babe.”

  Kira climbed into her boyfriend’s lap and ate the pie that he fed her with his fingers; fingers that had been all over another woman. Kira ate every last bite of the pie and licked Owl’s fingers.

  “Speaking of coming…”

  I startled at the sound of Eagle’s voice. I’d forgotten he was even in the room. He turned his gaze to me.

  “I hear you can come just from having your breasts touched, MK? Is that true?”

  “You’ve already had your fun for the night, Eagle,” said Owl.

  “I would be a bad host if I didn’t make sure every woman in my household had a good time,” he said.

  “Don’t worry, brother,” said Christopher. “I’ll take care of her.”

  “I’m sure you will. I was just curious if this was an isolated phenomenon with you, or if she could do it with another guy?”

  “You know this reverse psychology bullshit only works on co-eds?” said Christopher.

  “Leave her alone, E,” said Hawk. “She’s not into the group thing. Or maybe she’s just not into you.”

  They all laughed, but Eagle’s eyes continued to challenge me. I was never one for peer pressure. I’d been on the outside of the popular clique in high school and college I was able to see each of these manipulations for what they were. But this was something else. It felt like an invitation into this family.

  Everyone else in this room had accepted me. One of them loved me. Two of them counted me as friends. And the other two guys had placed me under their wings of protection.

  But this guy?

  “Hawk’s right,” I said. “I’m not into you.”

  Eagle’s eyes sparkled as though it was the answer he expected from me.

  My hand went to unbutton my shirt. “I doubt you could get any kind of rise out of me.”

  Eagle’s eyes widened in surprise. The room went quiet as I exposed my bra. Christopher turned to me with an eyebrow raised. I already knew I only liked Christopher’s touch. I doubted Eagle could even make my nipples pebble, and I wanted to prove it.

  The top of my shirt hung open, and all eyes were on me. I tried to hide my gulp, but Eagle caught it.

  He held up his hands. “What does she like, bro? Soft? Hard? Real hard?”

  I knew he was both asking Christopher’s permission to touch me and also giving me a last chance to back out.

  “Don’t help him,” I said to Christopher.

  Christopher chuckled and rested back in the chair. His arm lightly touched my shoulder, letting me know he was th

  I watched Eagle’s fingers as they came closer and closer to my chest. He had long, slender fingers. His brown digits contrasted starkly with my pale-skin and pink bra.

  I looked down to see my chest heaving. Each inhale brought my breasts closer to his fingers, which had stopped mid air. I looked up to catch him watching me with a glint in his eyes, studying my reaction.

  This was a game to him. Just like with Ellie and Kira. And just like with Ellie and Kira, I realized that there would be no loser. Eagle won the moment I flicked open the first button of my shirt.

  I didn’t have feelings of love for Eagle. I wasn’t even sure I liked him. But what he did to me felt really, really good.

  I gulped and pressed my knees together. His grin spread and he winked at me. His hands landed on the lace of my bra, light as a feather. There was no pressure needed.

  My eyes flicked around the room at all the eyes looking at me. Something heavy spread throughout my chest. It wasn’t embarrassment or self-consciousness. There was no judgment on any face. Only curiosity and interest and awe.

  “That’s so cool,” Ellie said as she peeked out from the cradle of Hawk’s thick arms.

  I gripped the arms of the chair as my chest heaved. The fullness spread southward, and I knew that an orgasm was eminent. I made the mistake of looking into Christopher’s face. There was joy shinning bright in his blue eyes as he looked between his friend’s hands on my breasts and my face.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” he said.

  “Yeah, she is, bro,” said Eagle.

  Other murmurs of consent filled my ears. I closed my eyes as the orgasm crested. And then everything went black.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  When I opened my eyes I was in Christopher’s bed, wrapped in his arms. “What happened?”